For example, INDIRECT('A1'), INDIRECT('D15') For example, =INDIRECT(' old_value '), =INDIRECT(' new_value ') where old_value = A5 and new_value= B5. Note: To use this reference, you have to activate the R1C1 reference from the File > Options > Excel Options > Formulas > Working with Formulas > Check R1C1 reference style For example, INDIRECT(R9C7), INDIRECT(R2C3), etc.
For example, INDIRECT(A1), INDIRECT(B2), INDIRECT(D100), etc. Ref_text (required): This argument can take any of the following inputs: Syntax of INDIRECT Function: INDIRECT(ref_text, ) At first, download the working Excel file that I have used to write this article.Įxcel-reference-cell-in-another-sheet-based-on-cell-value.xlsx Excel INDIRECT FunctionĮxcel INDIRECT function returns the reference specified by a text string.